There are currently 5 levels of Membership for Individuals within OCCA, which are graded as follows:
Designed for those in the early stages of their career and in the process of obtaining academic or vocational training; e.g. apprentices, young chemists.
Entry-level membership for those not qualifying for Student or Professional membership status. It is a stepping-stone for progression to higher levels.
There are currently 3 levels of Professional Grade membership, namely:
Experience: 3 years
Qualification: Degree or Adult Further Education level
Sponsors: 2 Associates (ATSC’s)
Experience: 7 years
Qualification: Degree or Adult Further Education level
Sponsors: 1 Associate (ATSC), 1 Fellow (FTSC)
Qualification: Significant contribution to relevant industry, education & OCCA
Sponsors: 3 Fellows (FTSC’S)
Professional Grade membership levels of Licentiate, Associate and Fellow endorse members’ experience, ability, competence and qualifications. Progression through the levels is achievable, culminating in FTSC status, for those demonstrating they are suitably qualified. Qualification at Professional membership level entitles the designatory letters to be used by the member.
As members reach the age of retirement, they automatically retain their membership status but at a reduced rate (50%) of their respective level of membership.
OCCA recognises and appreciates individuals’ contributions to the association & industry through its Honorary Member status - a prestigious award for services rendered to the association and its members.
No boundaries exist within OCCA, geographical or otherwise, and OCCA’s membership comprises men & women of all ages, in many countries, from a wide range of disciplines and from a broad spectrum of industry sectors. Members may choose to continue to develop in their original chosen disciplines and places of employment or move from sector to sector, broadening their experience and careers; either way, the professionalism and knowledge base of OCCA members increases steadily and reflects on the strength of the organisation.